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發表日期 2020-10-28 10:16:21      內容索引  留言討論共1筆資料

The hometown of the witch-Beitou女巫的故鄉-北投

The hometown of the witch – Beitou

Since Japanese colonial times, Beitou district has been well-known for the hot springs in northern Taiwan areas. There are precious hot springs, ancient architecture and abundant historic monuments; moreover, there are a lot of "first" and "only" full of Beitou. Those make this place be a tourist attraction located.
Beitou, also known as "Batou", is a name from the aboriginal language meaning witch. It is said that 300 years ago, Taipei was a Great Lakes. Sulfur is found abundantly in Beitou area. The place is bestowed with abundant hot spring resources. Due to the smell of sulfur and the constant rising of steam, the Aboriginal inhabitants of the area believed that witch may exist there. People called Beitou - the hometown of the witch.

Natural landscape

Beitou was one of the top four major hot springs areas when Japanese ruled Taiwan. From the valley of Beitou Hot Springs, people can overlook Datun Mountain in the north, hot springs and sulfuric smoke down in the river and valley, Guanyin Mountain near Danshui River in the west and Shamao Mountain in the east. These mountains cover a vast area of land and there are a lot of scenic spots.
Beitou Stream and Beitou Stone(溪之瀧與北投石)
Dijegu (Thermal Valley)(地熱谷)
Sulfur Valley(硫磺谷)

The charm of scenic spots

In 1986, Day Dog An hot spring hotel was founded by the Japanese I-Ping Tian Yuan in Beitou. It officially opened the development and use of the hot springs. After the prosperous year of "hot springs", Beitou has a profound cultural background, a lot of historic buildings and monuments. It always attracts many tourists to hang around this area.
There is the hot springs museum, day dog An, Long in the new Beitou park is the soup and public hot springs in Beitou.Recording the history of Beitou.
Beitou Park(北投公園)
Beitou Hot Spring Museum(北投溫泉博物館)
Ketagalan Culture Center(凱達格蘭文化館)
Green Building Library(綠建築圖書館)
Taiwan Folk Arts Museum(北投文物館)
Bu Dong Ming Wang Grottoes(不動明王石窟)
Puchi Temple(普濟寺)
Zenkoji Temple(善光寺)
YinSongGe Hotel吟松閣(北投三寶之一)
YiTsun Hotel星乃湯--逸邨 (北投三寶之一)
LongNaiTang Hot Spring瀧乃湯(北投三寶之一)

Special Experience

Beitou district in Taipei area has beautiful national scenery and humanistic/historical background. Moreover, it can also bring tourists different experience from many special activities.
Beitou Express 限時專送
Indigo dyeing藍染
BaoKang Massage Center北投保康社區盲人按摩站
ZhongZheng Charcoal kiln中正山步道旁木炭窯

Touring Routes漫遊路線
Beitou has beautiful national scenery and humanistic/historical background. With many extraordinary significant tourist routes, Beitou is a place worth visiting for an experience of intellectuality and healthiness.

Cultural Tour of Hot Springs

Beitou is the earliest developed hot spring area by Japanese hundreds years ago. According to the old tradition, Beitou was the hometown of witches as well. While visiting Beitou Hot Spring Museum, Thermal Valley(Hell Valley), Waterfalls of Beitou Creek, LongNaiTang Hot Spring, the first eco library in Taiwan, Sulfur Valley, and so on, you can enjoy the natural volcano scenes and the most relaxing vacation.


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1. 北投文化導覽
2. 北投伴手禮
3. The hometown of the witch-Beitou女巫的故鄉-北投

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