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發表日期 2008-07-13 22:47:44      內容索引  請登入會員才可留言

Quit smoking campaign to kick off; prize of NT$600,000

Quit smoking campaign to kick off; prize of NT$600,000
CNA Thursday, April 3, 2008

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The International Quit and Win 2008 campaign will start May 2, with a top prize of
NT$600,000 (US$19,750) waiting for smokers who kick the habit, officials of the Bureau of Health Promotion (BHP) said yesterday.
The biennial International Quit and Win competition was initiated in 1994 by the National Public Health Institute of Finland and is supported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Taiwan first joined the competition in 2002, with each contest receiving a warm response from the public over the years.

The event in Taiwan is organized by the John Tung Organization, a local non-profit organization for tobacco control, and the BHP under the Cabinet-level Department of Health.

The officials said at a press conference that participants who succeed to stop smoking for the four weeks from May 2 will have the chance to win prizes in a lucky draw.

The campaign is open to adults older than 18 who have smoked for more than a year, with each participant requiring one person to serve as his or her witness.

Actor Ho Hao-chieh and his entertainer wife He Jia-xin attended the press conference with their son, becoming the first couple to register their participation in the contest.

Ho said he wanted to quit smoking for the health of their son, who has allergy problems.

"Besides, smoking is quite money-consuming, " Ho said, admitting that the NT$600,000 prize is very attractive.

Sun Yueh, a famous entertainer and a permanent volunteer of the John Tung Foundation who was once a heavy smoker, noted that there are some 4 million smokers in Taiwan and that he believes their families all hope they will quit smoking.

Sun urged all smokers to quit the habit "for the people they love."

Anyone interested in taking part in the contest should register before May 1 and can visit the competition's Web site at www.e-quit.org for more information, the organizer said.


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